New New York: Fast Forward

New New York
New York, NY
Exhibition 2007 (March 29 – May 7)
Urban Center Galleries
This exhibition, organized by the Architectural League of New York, took stock of the significant developments in architecture and planning in New York City during the height of the construction boom in the spring of 2007. More than six hundred new building or planning projects, either under construction or in design, were mapped onto individual cards located at eye level atop steel posts. The cards were placed around the perimeter of a map of New York City’s five boroughs and connected through red string to the exact location on the map, which was rendered on a large table and anamorphically stretched to fit within the room. The new projects engulfed the map, while the varying density of red indicated the wide-ranging concentrations and locations of building activity within the city. Video interviews with thirty New York–based architects discussing critical issues related to the ongoing transformation of the city and its built environment were located around the gallery perimeter.
Client: Architectural League of New York
Project team: Paul Lewis, Marc Tsurumaki, David J. Lewis; Jason Dannenbring, Julian Rose, Clark Manning, Michael Tyre, Hilary Zaic, Tamicka Marcy, Mia Lorenzetti, Steven Hong, Kathryn Van Voorhees
Curators: Architectural League of New York; Gregory Wesner, Rosalie Genevro
Photographer: David Sundberg