Manual of Biogenic House Sections

Manual of Biogenic House Sections
The book presents a visually compelling argument for rethinking the material basis of architecture in a time of environmental crisis. Asserting that the most viable means to radically reduce embodied carbon in new buildings is to use plant and earth based materials, the book demonstrates how this approach can catalyze new types of houses that reduce or sequester carbon, engage regenerative life cycles, and create healthier spaces for living. Building on the best-selling Manual of Section, this book represents fifty-five innovative houses from around the world through intricately detailed cross-sectional perspectives and axonometrics complemented by photographs of construction processes, interiors and exteriors. Analytical drawings make legible an approach to architecture based on circular material logics and a more holistic relationship to our shared environment.
Book Project Managers: Celia Chaussabel and Kyle Reich
Drawings: Celia Chaussabel, Kyle Reich, Grace Lee, Julia Medina, Austin Madrigale, Jingyuan Zhang
Models: Celia Chaussabel, Kyle Reich, Max Heintz, Julia Medina, Alena Nagornaia, Jingyuan Zhang, Zhiqian Xu
Introduction Editor: Jessie Williams Burns
ORO Editions Publisher: Gordon Goff
ORO Project Manager: Jake Anderson